
Making Peace with Uncertainty: Finding Clarity in Uncertain Times

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Friend or foe? 

Uncertainty doesn’t play favourites. It’s an equal opportunity house guest that knocks on our door when we least expect it. It disrupts our daily lives and ignores our polite requests to vacate the premises. It always leaves a trail of destruction in its path, and we’re left wondering where it came from and how we can keep it from ever knocking on our door again. 

This sounds a lot like the COVID-19 pandemic. 

When answers are few and far between, and a return back to normalcy seems to be playing hide and seek behind the horizon, worst-case scenarios can run through our minds on autoplay. It’s easy to feel unsettled, shaken up and even a bit out of control. 

But what if there was another way? What if we didn’t see it as an enemy but as a possible ally on the road to more purposeful living?

This is not to discount the severity of our current circumstances. Still, as I’ve watched the reactions of others and come face-to-face with situations that stretched me beyond my comfort zone, a couple of things became apparent. 

  1. There’s no such thing as a foolproof plan, but having a plan in place for uncertainties goes a long way toward creating a sense of stability in a volatile environment. 

  2. The wisdom of our years is an asset during uncertain times. We can be the voice of reason when others have lost theirs. 

Silver Linings

During turbulent times, prioritizing the safety and security of our family is essential. Still, once those measures have been put into place, our next step is to assess the current landscape and figure out how we can make the new normal work in our favour. 

For example, if we have liquid resources, there are amazing investment opportunities that are now available. Stuck at home? This is also an excellent time for rejuvenation (slowing down, resting, playing, thinking). What about mentorship and teaching? There are a lot of people who could benefit from your knowledge and expertise, especially during tough times. 

The Retiree Solution

A number of my clients are baby boomers who have either retired or are preparing for it, so I spend a great deal of time thinking about and talking to others about designing your ideal retirement. In this season of dynamic change, I believe that right now is the ideal time to explore new possibilities.

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When we are displaced, even temporarily, from our regular routines, something interesting happens. We adapt. We develop new routines so that we can continue putting one foot in front of the other because we understand that life continues to move forward. 

We all know that scheduling and goal setting are essential to accomplishing our goals. To keep you moving in the right direction, today, I’m sharing a great tool called the Ideal Week. This template allows you to schedule important to-dos like workouts, meals, meetings, personal and family time. It also has space for quiet work and friend time. It breaks down the week into 21 time segments (7 days x 3 slots per day) which makes setting up the ideal schedule for you simple. 

Trying to make sense of the “shelter in place” and quarantine mandates might make it tempting to languish in your pj’s all day, eating leftovers and obsessing over the news. Restoring order in your personal life will have better results in the long run. The Ideal Week template is a great start. 

There is life on the other side of COVID-19. Let’s do all that we can now to prepare for all of the amazing possibilities that lie ahead. 

Susan Latremoille